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Optimising the freedom of


Osteopath Equine Before
Osteopath After Result Equine

Results achieved in one session

When you give the body the opportunity to rebalance,
it will!

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Posture can be changed, conformation cannot and these two should never be confused.

The equine body is a perfectly balanced work of art but what happens when the balance is tipped or altered in some way? Tension through the jaw and poll; nerve compression; un-even shoulders; rotated rib-cage or pelvis; tilted head; poor farrier work; tight muscles or muscles in spasm?  

What would that mean in terms of the comfort, behaviour and performance of your horse? Think of how any of those examples would affect stride length, impulsion, jumping, lateral movement, right rein vs. left rein, walking downhill, canter leads, self-carriage, how your saddle fits, how your rug fits…the list is endless.


But let us take it further: what about internal health? Any one dysfunction – viscerally or musculoskeletally – can have a cumulative, large-scale impact.  Because, like ours, the equines body works as a unit, with everything interconnected, therefore it cannot function correctly if a barrier is preventing it from doing so! 

A little about


I trained for two years as a Level 4 Equine Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation Practitioner and, recently, in Osteopathic techniques, Reiki, the FascialEdge Tool ®, nutrition-related problems, Zoopharmacognosy / testing and measuring herbs, supplements, vitamins and feed individualised to the horse. There is often a larger picture at play: seasons, workload, type of work, age, tack, farrier work, dentistry, former injuries, environment and management are all part of the global consideration of my approach. 


I have travelled the UK and abroad from the two-horse yard to the 46-horse yard; youngster to retiree; leisure to racehorses in-training, with much of my core work being Stallions, TB’s, UK Natives and Andalusians / P.R.E’s (Pura Raza Espanola); my forte (and passion!) is the complex and those ‘last chance’ cases.   


My style is gentle, my techniques non-invasive and always guided by your horse; assessing, searching and addressing imbalances, misalignment and energy patterns.  My hands are my tools and I aim to bring your horse / pony back into equilibrium to enable a healthy existence and longevity, as well as supporting you through the transition and beyond!

Charlotte Lloyd Osteopath

Charlotte x






We help horses of all abilities stay happy within their discipline, whatever that may be
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Charlotte Lloyd - Equine Sports Therapy & Rehabilitation Practitioner

© 2023 Copyright Charlotte Lloyd Wiliams / Casbourne Equine

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